Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Anyone have a sudden aversion to meat?

In their teens, pregnancy, under high stress, etc?
I suddenly can't stand to look at or eat any kind of meat. Anyone else have this problem? I can usually eat a hamburger or taco..but that's about it!Anyone have a sudden aversion to meat?
It was a longer process for me to become vegetarian.
I would not worry too much so long as you are meeting your protein requirements through eggs and dairy products and beans or tofu.
I do know more girls than boys turn vegetarian and I wonder if they, too, feel a certain amount of revulsion that sets them off to abandon meat.
Why not listen to your body and just stop eating meat for awhile. Give it a try when you feel the urge and see what happens. Embrace vegetarianism for awhile. I am not trying to convert you, just suggest you eat lighter food and see if that helps. Meat is not all that easy to digest.
Think about this. Meat sits in your body literally rotting until it is rotten enough to be absorbed in your large intestine. Not a very nice image, but this is why meat eaters have worse breath and body odor than most vegetarians. Of course, we have garlic breath sometimes too!
Apparently, btw, meat aversion accounts for about 25% of most vegetarians, so you are not alone. Just don't fret unless you have a serious reason to fret. For now, follow the lead of your body.
have you smelled rotten meat recently? i work in construction,and we had to pull old meat cases apart inside of a grocery store,and rotten meat and juice was everywhere,and i haven't eaten meat for a month and have eaten nothing but vegetables and fruit.

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