Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Can a lesbian get aids from another woman?

my best friend is a lesbian and weve been arguing about this for a long time!Can a lesbian get aids from another woman?
Yes Aids is passed threw vaginal fluid, breast milk, blood and semen.
Yes - HIV is transmitted through bodily fluids so male to male, female to male, female - female, does not matter I'd suggest you both get tested and if neither of your are HIV + and monogamous, you would not be able to get it from each other.
sure we are all capable of contacting AIDS , even animals are able to have their own forms of it.... just a real nasty creature that is parasitical that loves us all equally
Of curse she can. Any body who have sex without protection not matter if it's aman or woman can get a sexual trasmited diseace. Remember all sexual trnsmited diseaces are passed throgh blood or any body fluid..

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