Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Can a virus cause you to have a temperature?

Can a virus cause you to have a temperature?
Yes.Thats usually the first sign of a virus.
viral infection....i think so.....
of course it can, any time we are unwell, we have a temp, although it may not be high enough to notice.
The most common virus, the common cold, doesn't usually cause a fever but, yes, there are certain viruses that can cause you to have a temperature.
yes u can have a temperature shivers aches and pains just like colds and flu
yes indeed, I have one now and a temp of 102!! feel wrecked.
Raising your temperature is one of the bodies most common defence mechanisms to fight virus infections
Yes it is your bodies defences fighting the virus.
Yes, a virus can most definitely cause you to have a temperature. The flu virus for example could make your temperature go up as high as 39deg C or otitis media could go higher. Any virus can cause a temperature, and you should try to get it down with aspirin or paracetamol.
Yes it can, depends on what your temperature is:-
It is probably the single commonest cause! The virus itself is not directly responsible. In the presence of viruses part of the body defence system causes the the temperature to be elevated. This has two effects.1st the body defence system is speeded up as it gets hotter and becomes more effective in combating the virus. 2nd many infective organisms are designed to function most efficiently a the body temperature of the host. Increasing the temperature makes them less efficient, and indeed may kill them.

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