Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Can an aneurysm be stress related?

Can an aneurysm be stress related?
I'm no doctor, and I can't be 100% certain, but I am feel confident saying that the answer is yes. Stress can cause many different ailments in our bodies, and it can affect everyone in different ways...hair loss, headaches, high-blood pressure, skin rashes, fainting etc... Since an aneurysm is an ruptured blood vessel then I would have to believe that all of these other things could cause abnormalities in a vein. Again, I'm not 100%, but I feel pretty confident about that.
No, an aneurysm is a bulging of an artery...
Hypertension we know for sure can be caused by stress, and aneurysms we know for sure can be caused by hypertension...so indirectly, yes.
If you think an aneurysm is stress related
then you would think that stress is aneurysm related
The answer is no.

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