Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Are people coughing more?

Are people in your area experiencing unshakable cold and flu symptoms? Here in Virginia, my wife and I have this cough that neither of us can shake and I heard on the radio last night that a guy who travels alot has noticed that everywhere he goes more people are coughing these days. What's going on?Are people coughing more?
I live in TN. and I have noticed this also. Over the last 2 or 3 years there has been a big increase. Makes you stop and wonder just what has been released in the air.
My coughing is due to my living with four cats... I'm allergic to cats.
i've noticed that a lot of times in my area. lots and lots of coughing. *he's got the plague!, run for your lives!* heh
people are coughing
I havn't heard a cough in over a month, and I'm in northern Connecticut. The last bug to go around was a stomach bug, no mention of a flu scare this season.

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