Saturday, October 23, 2010

Are you happy with every aspect of your life?

family, love life, career, overall sense of well being? If so I would like to know How many people are really satisfied with their lot in life?Are you happy with every aspect of your life?
no, i'm not- yet i would say i am a happy person. complete bliss would create apathy and boredom and give nothing to strive for. the challenge, and happiness, lies in having a goal for improvement and reaching that goal.
nope but i dont think anybody is.
i can safely say , that no one in this world is telling the truth if the say that everything is going well with their life
no i hate my life my wife the person that i work with on me job my mother my sister my in laws yes and my daughter and i love her
but not the fact she ran her phone bill up over $400.00 and this is not the first time
Well I can safely say that I love my life!!!!!
I work 2 jobs which I really enjoy and I am starting University this year to become a Nurse. My family are all fantastic- we have always gotten along well, I am single which is exactly the way I want it at the moment, I have wonderful friends, and a lot of them. I suppose some people might take this to think that I am unsatisfied but I am having Breast Reduction surgery in April- this is also fantastic though and I can't wait.
I am a positive person and I think that helps because there are many things that I still strive to do, such as get married, have children, own my own house etc but I could never say that my life is not where I want it to be, I can have bad days like everyone but I would never change that, it is a part of living and learning
- I am very proud of myself for being the only one on here so far to say that I am content and satisfied

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