Saturday, October 23, 2010

Are you a morning person or a night owl?

Do you hop out of bed when the the sun cracks the horizon? Or do you prefer sleeping in and staying up late into the night? What do you do early? What do you do late at night?Are you a morning person or a night owl?
i am definately a morning person-can not stay in bed past 6a.m. Love to get up early,watch the sun come up and look at the birds in the numorous feeders we have in the backyard while I have a nice cup of coffee.
I'm not an afternoon person I sleep then.
Early to bed early to rise thats me!
Night owl,work at night .
i prefer to be a night owl when i don't have to work in the day,even then i have trouble sleeping,i find the day boring,unless it's summer then we go fishing etc..
I am both, lol......stay up very late and get up very early. Get the kids ready in the morning, and the animals fed and begin daily tasks. Late at night, is usually on the computer....what do YOU do?
Night person
I'm a night owl---Dude, that is the best time to catch the ghosts!!!!!!
Im actually a little of both. I average 5 hours of sleep (asleep by 1, up by 6) I'll cat nap after work for an hour, and once in a while I play catch up and sleep till 11 on a weekend but that rarely happens
Night Owl.
I would like to say that I am neither. I don't much care for the mornings, and I need to be asleep at a good time. Pretty much between the hours of 11-2 in the afternoon are my prime, it's a poor prime at that though.
I would like to take this opportunity to give a shout out to my best friend and yours coffee!!!
A night owl.

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