Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Anyone had their nose pierced lately??

I had my nose pierced two days ago and its still a little red and sore around the piercing....I have been cleaning the area twice a day, avoiding touching the area and putting polysporin on it each night....could it be infected ? Or is this normal....HELP!!!!Anyone had their nose pierced lately??
You're doing great. When I got mine done it was red for a few days, but thats normal. Just keep doing what you're doing. Keep it clean and keep your hands clean. A big sign thats its infected is puss.
No and nether did I get any other area of my body pierced nor do I intend to any time in the future.
Sounds normal to me. If the pain persists or the redness worsens over the next two weeks, go to the doctor. I believe you are fine.
my sister did last week... redness lasted like 3-4 days.. but she says its feelin better now =] but a littttle discomfort.... good luck!! and god bless
Yeah its normal. Just give it time and take good care of it and you'll do fine.

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