Sunday, October 17, 2010

Always tired and feeling off balance?

feel woolly headed lost concentationAlways tired and feeling off balance?
You need to see a Doctor of Medicine pronto. You could have an ear or throat infection, depression or you could have become diabetic.
It is always best to see a doctor when you have health issues. Putting it off will do you no good, and the most serious illnesses, even Cancer, can be much more effectively treated and even cured if they are caught early. Go tomorrow.
The only thing I can suggest is taking a multi-vitmain + flaxeed oil supplements. I also take magenesium in the morning (on its own on empty stomach). Since taking these, I have much more energy & I feel much better. I forgot to take them for a week & am feeling tired & run-down.So it obviously helps
(PS> don't take the commercial multi-vitamins but get them from your local health shop, they're much better quality).
Are you sure you couldn't be pregnant?
Please keep away from tall bulidings
are you anaemic???
You go to your doctor and get checked out it could be lots of things. Good luck

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