Sunday, October 17, 2010

After quiting coffe sysptoms?

after quiting coffe i have had very strange side affects mostly uncontrotable tremors in left arm and some times my jaw is this a pinched nerve or something eleseAfter quiting coffe sysptoms?
Normal. Every time, I don't drink coffee my hands start to twitch and I become irritable. Good luck with that. More symptoms include, headaches,lethargy, nervousness, and mild depression.
You have my sympathy, man. When I quit drinking coffee, I get a terrible headache 24 hours after my last cup, and it lasts for hours. Plus, this headache makes me sick to my stomach as well.
The best thing you can do after you quit, is to make sure that you never start again. Because, if you do go back to drinking coffee again, you'll have to go through all the misery again next time you quit again.
The best thing about being a non-drinker of coffee is not having to keep going to the bathroom! Plus, not having stained teeth is also a good thing! ;-)

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