Sunday, October 17, 2010

After my TONSILS are REMOVED...what HEALTHY, Liquid food options will I have?

After my TONSILS are REMOVED...what HEALTHY, Liquid food options will I have?
a tonsil diet is cool liquids, nothing hot. You could have ice cream, jello, yogurt, juices, like apple that are not red in color. Also puddings that are cool.
jamba juice :-D
Ice cream....yes, eat some ice cream as soon as you can.
In the early stages of healing, ice cream will have a soothingly freezing effect on the area.
(and uh...a smooth vanilla...NOT Rocky Road or Butter
"The use of ice packs to relieve pain may be helpful, and sucking on an ice cube or eating ice cream may provide adequate comfort."
ENSURE OR BOOST are dietary suppliment drinks that come in a variety of flavors- choc.,van.,straw,mixed berry,butter pecan. also luke warm soup, applesauce, cottage cheese. cream of wheat.
Good luck My son had his out and I dont know how old you are but the first week he didnt eat anythingat all and the second week wasnt much better. He lost 12 poundds. I was so worried. Its not fun . No Ice cream they say now, Jello I guess was about it for the firstweek. Chicken soup will burn. I just dont remember him eatind much of anything till he was healed. Good luck

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