Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Are bags under eys normal when a cold/sinus infection is present? Solutions?

I've had a cold for about 3 days and am wondering if this is normal. Are there any creams I could use (preferably household creams) that I can use to hide them?Are bags under eys normal when a cold/sinus infection is present? Solutions?
Don't laugh, but use Preparation H (the hemmorroid cream). This is what super models use to correct loose skin or bags under their eyes. Apply it at bed time to a clean face, just under and around your eyes. Good Luck!
You need to reduce the swelling from behind your eyes.
I would try a saline nasal rinse (not a spray.) A full warm water saline rinse goes in one nostril and out the other. It draws out all the gunk and shrinks the tissue (like swimming in the ocean).
The buffered salt doesn't 'sting' as much as plain salt water. You can use a new method like Nasopure, or the vintage, Netipot
You don’t need a prescription for this therapy. If you live in a state like mine, they’ve pretty much “outlawed” sudafed medicine. Drug-free is really the way to go on a frequent-use basis.

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