Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Anyone answer this?

If you've done stuff but haven't had anal/vaginal sex are you still a virgin?Anyone answer this?
If you are a virgin or not, depends on why you are asking.
If you are asking because you need to know if you should start getting pap smears, then if you haven't been penetrated, then I'd say yea you're a virgin.
But if you are asking because you want to get away with as much as possible and still be sin-free in the eyes of god, well then you might just be a sneaky snake ( :-) hehe ), and need to re-think your relationship with god one way or another. I only say that because (im not religious btw) I don't think god would get caught up in semantics and allow oral sex, but not sex.
and good luck, that is a hard question for everybody.
So maybe you are a virgin, but not virginal. Sorry this is so long.
Its silly isn't it... but technically as long as the hymen is intact... yu are a virgin (females only).
But knowing yu have almost got there.... yu need to rethink what is important in life, that hymen.... or a clean/erotic free mind.
You are still considered a virgin as long as you haven't had any penetration.

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