Sunday, October 17, 2010

Anti-aging products?

im 22,do u think its ok to use anti-aging products?also to take vitamin E. coz i heard that i should use these when i reach the age of 25.Anti-aging products?
YOu can use anti-agin products at any age. You'll be better off in the long run if you start taking care of your skin now, as opposed to waiting until you start to see wrinkles and age spots. You're doing the right thing!
They say the Fountain of youth is located somewhere in Florida, but then again, Ponce de Lion died a long time ago.
Sure, it's never too early to start! I'm 33 and even though I have no wrinkles, I use Arbonne's NutrimenRe Anti-Aging kit. Don't forget to moisturize your neck too as long as you're thinking ahead!

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