Sunday, October 17, 2010

Am too slim is there any medical drug that can help my muscles grow or give me fat?

Am 1m 78cm but weighs so slip i need to increase my weight,grow muscles.what can i do?Am too slim is there any medical drug that can help my muscles grow or give me fat?
You may want to ask your doctor for advice the next time you have a check-up. In some cases, people who have a hard time gaining weight actually have a thyroid hormone imbalance, and is corrected with medication. I had this problem, but you may not. Try drinking Boost or Ensure meal replacement shakes, they should help you increase calories and weight in a healthy manner & lifting weights can help build muscle mass.
Good luck.
eat heaps of food, man
cadburies, choclates,chocolate cookies, ice creams.
I was too thin most of my life. I wanted to gain weight, in high School. So, I hung around voluptuously full figured people, and copied what they ate.
I added a chocolate milk shake, to every lunch. It worked. It was a gradual process. Pasta packs one weight too.
Now I have to be careful, or I gain.
drink supplements and go to the gym
more proteins !!

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