Sunday, October 17, 2010

Am I Sick?

I have had a sore throat for about a week now but it only hurts in the morning and at night before bed. When I get up I can't hardly swallow and after that goes away a little then I have a very rough - scratchy voice. What should I do?Am I Sick?
I wouldn't go as far as to say that she probably has bronchitis. More likely it is caused by drainage from the sinus cavity. I would closely moniter this symptom and consult a doctor if it persists, but most likely it shouldnt be any problem
Drink lots of fluids including hot tea with lemon and honey, use a humidifier or just have a pot of water simmering on your stove, and see a doctor if your symptoms don't improve.
You proabably have broncitis
go to the dr.
Usually a sore throat in the am is due to nasal drainage as you lie down sleeping at night. Propping up while sleeping helps to drain during the night. If you look in the mirror with a flashlight and can see redness in your throat, may be strep. Tea with lemon, over the counter throat sprays, all may help but of course if it continues see a doc.
Have a throat culture taken at your Dr's office. This is a test for strep throat. You will learn if you test positive while your there and he will order an antibiotic.
You might have an infection. Do you feel like you have a fever?
Either way I'd see a doctor.

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