Sunday, October 17, 2010

Allergies. Swollen Hands for a LONGG time.?

My dad, I think about 2 weeks, had itchiness around his body, he thinks that it has to do with his liver problem (he had liver problems like A LONG time ago). His doctor said it was allergies and prescribed benedryl for him. Now, currently, he is still red and itchy and has hives all over his body and also, has swollen hands. heeelpp. please :[ what's wrong? and he's scared of going to the doctor.Allergies. Swollen Hands for a LONGG time.?
last time I had extended rashes it was a food allergy. (which could be related to the liver problem) check his diet .
common foods for allergy include : milk, nuts, fish, beer, (in my case any fermented alcohol).
Also if it is all over him - but only on outter exposed skin. check the landry det. used or softner. ALso some soaps cause people skin issues.
Still best to go tot he doctor, they can run tests.
He may not even have allergies except to the Benydrl. He should stop taking that and see a different doctor. The first doctor didn't do a very good job.

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