Sunday, October 17, 2010

After meals should one give a gap before drinking water and should it be room temp or cold?

I like drinking Cold water and right after my meals is it making me fat?After meals should one give a gap before drinking water and should it be room temp or cold?
No its not making you fat, in fact it burning calories, since your body has to warm up the cold water. So stay with cold water.
Water will never make you fat not matter what temp it is. If you are trying to loose weight it's always good to drink water. Before, during and after you eat.
Drinking your water Ice Cold can burn up to 200 extra calories a day. (the amount of calories it takes your system to warm it up for digestion) You don't want to drink Ice Tea with meals as it stops the body from absorbing the proteins and vitamins. A cup or 2 of green tea before bedtime is also wonderful for cleansing and washing away a few pounds. Good Luck
you will and can not get fat from drinking cold or hot water ,, weather you just ate or not. But the donuts you had for breakfast could be the culprit, lol
normal room temprature is fine
no!!! water helps ur body break it all down.
no you burn more calories by drinking cold water...
Cold fluids shut down your digestion. So you might have a problem with your water, but it might also be the food. I'd get a copy of that book "weight loss secrets they don't want you to know".
I don't know if your being funny but water is 0 no cal not even salt OH GET A LIFE.
Just drink beer instead! kidding :)
Drink a glass of ice cold water before you eat and you tend to eat less during that meal. You can drink water any temp any time you want just as long as you drink it. Water will never make you fat! The food you are eating with your water will though. Water will help speed up your weight loss. (Beer Wont by the way)
Good Luck.

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