Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Are clove cigarettes better for you than regular ones?

I've heard that cigarettes have fiber glass and amonia and lots of different gross additives, do clove cigarettes have them too?Are clove cigarettes better for you than regular ones?
tobacco in cigarettes has nicotene, a cancer causing clove cigs arebetter since they do not have any nicotene.
all cigaretts are bad
cigarrets are bad for you PERIOD!!!!! NO MATTER WHAT YOU WIL GET SICK!
Worse. They make holes in the lungs.
A cigarettes a cigarette wither way it well still have tar and nicotine making it very unhealthy for your body as it can cause lung cancer and many other problems.
Yes, they probably do. All cigarettes, clove or regular, are both unhealthy companions. Later on in life [ if you smoke ], you could get lung cancer from all of the smoke going into your lungs, and we wouldn't want that to happen, now do we?
No, they are not better. They are actually more addictive.

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